‘O dieses ist das Tier, das es nicht gibt’: Rilke and unicorns

Segal, Naomi (2006) ‘O dieses ist das Tier, das es nicht gibt’: Rilke and unicorns. [Discussion or working paper] (Unpublished)

I’m going to start (and end, of course) with the untitled poem from the Sonette an Orpheus
that everyone cites, in often horrible translations, when they write about unicorns. Then I will
take you on a magical mystery tour of unicorn lore & images – and what I want to do with
this material is look at the peculiarly Rilkean angle on the trope: taking the traditional erotics
of virginity associated with this myth and giving it his distinctive spatial-temporal angle of the
intransitive. An unpublished paper by Professor Naomi Segal. For copyright reasons, images are not included.

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