Exploracion del Rio Madera en la parte comprendida entre la Cachuela de San Antonio y la embocadura del Mamorè, por los injenieros Brasileros

Keller, José and Keller, Francisco (1870) Exploracion del Rio Madera en la parte comprendida entre la Cachuela de San Antonio y la embocadura del Mamorè, por los injenieros Brasileros. Imprenta de la Union Americana, La Paz. (Unpublished)

Publication of a 1867 government project which explored the River Madera in the area between the Cachuela de San Antonio and the mouth of the River Mamorè, with the purpose of establishing means of improving use of the river as an important means of communication between the Province of Matto-Grosso and the Republic of Bolivia. Includes a description of the journey, geological observations of the river, the results of hydrographic measurements, projects for facilitating access, and projected budgets for the production of a navigation canal and a railway, and statistics for commerce and production in the neighbouring valleys

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