Subject Areas (7997)
English (127)
Number of items at this level: 127.
Decadent or Hearty?: Kipling's Dilemma. (2008)
Adams, Jad
Open Sesame. (2010)
Aden, Mohamed and Brioni, Simone
Leverhulme World War II published book lists. (2007)
Arioti, Lucilla
Bronte's City of Glass. (2019)
Armstrong, Isobel
Augustus De Morgan (1806-71), his Reading and his Library. (2019)
Attar, Karen
Douglas Foskett's Uzanne Collection. (2005)
Attar, Karen
Durning-Lawrence Online: Benefits Of A Retrospective Catalogue Conversion Project. (2003)
Attar, Karen
The Earliest Books at the University of London: A Supplement. (2018)
Attar, Karen
Folios in Context: Collecting Shakespeare at the University of London. (2017)
Attar, Karen
A Forgotten Donor to King's College Cambridge: John Heath. (2002)
Attar, Karen
George Thackeray of King's College Cambridge: Portrait of a Bibliophile XXXVIII. (2005)
Attar, Karen
Jane Austen at King's College Cambridge. (2002)
Attar, Karen
London pride in context: Treasures and the library treasures volume in Britain today. (2014)
Attar, Karen
Making treasures pay? Benefits of the library treasures volume considered. (2013)
Attar, Karen
Modern Special Collections Cataloguing: A University of London Case Study. (2013)
Attar, Karen
Ossified Collections: The Past Encapsulated in British Institutions Today. (2018)
Attar, Karen
Rare Book Librarianship and Historical Bibliography. (2016)
Attar, Karen
Rare Book Librarianship and Historical Bibliography. (2007)
Attar, Karen
Russia revealed: a Senate House Library case study of special collection promotion. (2010)
Attar, Karen
Sir Edwin Durning-Lawrence: a Baconian and his Books. (2004)
Attar, Karen
The University of London’s Earliest Books (1838): 185 Volumes Presented by Nathaniel Vye, Esq. (2015)
Attar, Karen
Victorian Readers and their Library Records Today. (2014)
Attar, Karen
The Business of the Book as a Market Response to Social Change in the Thirteenth-Century Diversification and Secularisation of Demand and Supply of Religious Texts, and the Impact of Market Diversification on the Appearance of the Book. (2015)
Bailey, Janine
An Eighteenth-Century Thought Experiment on Climate Change: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer's "De ignis seu caloris certa portione Heluetiae adsignata" (1708). (2015)
Barton, William and Miglietti, Sara
Mr Higgins’s Hayley: A provincial gentleman’s copy of Hayley’s Life of Cowper and what it tells us about the writing and publishing of a literary biography in the early years of the nineteenth century. (2015)
Bostock, Kate
'Yeats and Irish Politics': recording of the 'In Our Time' BBC Radio 4 programme. (2008)
Bragg, Melvyn and Brearton, Fran and Foster, Ray and Gould, Warwick
'The Dull Duty of an Editor': Working with Webster and Dickens. (2019)
Brennan, Elizabeth
'The Stephens in St Ives: Leslie, Virginia and the Dictionary of National Biography'. (2018)
Carter, Philip
Journey, Rediscovery and Narrative: British Travel Accounts of Argentina. (1998)
Cicerchia, Ricardo
William Morris' Medieval Manuscript Collection and the Trade in Illuminated Manuscripts c. 1891-1914. (2021)
Cleaver, Laura
The Development of Roman Jakobson’s semiotic interpretation of poetic form and function with special reference to his axial model of the poles of language: metaphor and metonymy; and the application of this developed model to the construction of city poetics with reference to Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poetry.
Coghill, Mary
Russian Evolution: Rozhdestvensky and the ‘image of the author’ explored with reference to his book General Philology (1996) Moscow. (2017)
Coghill, Mary
Two essays by Roman Jakobson, translated into English: ‘About Mayakovsky’s Later Lyrical Poems’ and ‘Dostoyevsky Echoed In Mayakovsky’s Work’. (2016)
Coghill, Mary and Richard, Elena and Richard, Paul
Macmillan’s Early Trade in Educational Books to India, 1873-1891. (2014)
Condie, Victoria
The rise of African indebtedness in Natal during the late colonial period. (1992)
Lambert, John
Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies 2012.
Larby, Patricia
Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies 2013.
Larby, Patricia
Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies 2015.
Larby, Patricia
Theses in Progress in Commonwealth Studies, 2010. (2010)
Larby, Patricia
Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies 2005-9. (2009)
Larby, Patricia
London Palaeography Summer School programme 2009. (2009)
Lovett, Patricia and Brown, Michelle
London Paleography Summer School programme 2008. (2008)
Lovett, Patricia and Brown, Michelle
London Palaeography Summer School programme 2011. (2011)
Lovett, Patricia and Norbye, Marigold and Brown, Michelle
London Palaeography Summer School programme 2012. (2012)
Lovett, Patricia and Norbye, Marigold and Brown, Michelle
London Paleography Summer School programme 2010. (2010)
Lovett, Patricia and Norbye, Marigold and Brown, Michelle
Sixteenth-century Hebrew typography:
A typographical and historical analysis based on the Guillaume I Le Bé documents in the Bibliothèque nationale de France. (2014)
Lubell, Stephen
The Use of Hebrew in the Antwerp Polyglot Bible. (2008)
Lubell, Stephen
The making of the Book of Kells: two Masters and two Campaigns. (2016)
MacGabhann, Donncha
Rhetoric and the Essay. (1993)
Mack, Peter
Open Journal Systems. (2013)
Mahon, Matt
Echoes of the Silent Movie Age: F. Scott Fitzgerald on the Silver Screen (1920-1926). (2018)
Mastandrea, Martina
Romanticism as Resistance: Bishop Robert Forbes’s Jacobite Collection, The Lyon in Mourning. (2014)
McRae, Catherine
The Poetry of Sidney A Alexander. (2014)
Meyers, Terry L
Ambiente. (2022)
Miglietti, Sara
Climate Theory: An Invented Tradition? (2019)
Miglietti, Sara
Debating Greatness from Machiavelli to Burton. (2016)
Miglietti, Sara
New Worlds, Ancient Theories: Reshaping Climate Theory in the Early Colonial Atlantic. (2019)
Miglietti, Sara
Nicodemism. (2019)
Miglietti, Sara
Introduction: Ruling "Climates" in the Early Modern World. (2017)
Miglietti, Sara and Morgan, John E.
Towards a professional identity: Translators in the Victorian publisher’s archive. (2020)
Milan, Michelle
The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901). (2007)
Mitchell, Charlotte and Jordan, Ellen and Schinske, Helen
Waste and literature: the poet as ragpicker. (2011)
Morrison, Susan
The Sixth International Conference 'Language, Culture, and Society in Russian/English Studies. (2016)
Stanley, Eric and Kalmar, Tomás Mario and Kitaev, Artem and Slonimskiy, Leonid and Eliot, Simon and Volodarskaya, Emma and Courtney, Julia and Tchougounova-Paulson, Elena and Foster, Graham and Sepeshvari, Vera and Stein, Gabriele and Ilson, Robert and McGregor, Charles and Szymański, Leszek and Bailey, Janine and Konshuh, Courtnay and Kotake, Tadashi and Allen, Rosamund and Mester, Annegret and Matyushina, Inna and Benabdi, Farouk and Chorfi, Fatima
The Wonderful Discoveries: English Witchcraft and Early Stuart Pamphlet Culture. (2015)
Starr, Jessica
Faith, fiction and the historical Jesus: theological revisionism and its influence on fictional representations of the Gospels (c. 1860-1920). (2007)
Stevens, Jennifer
The Archaeology of the Manuscript: Towards Modern Palaeography. (2013)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Editing the Wake. (2011)
Van Mierlo, Wim
“I have met you too late”: James Joyce, W.B. Yeats and the Making of Chamber Music. (2010)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Influence, Confluence, and Writing in the Margins: Reading Notes and Literary History. (2006)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Introduction. (2012)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Introduction to Textual Scholarship and the Material Book. (2007)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Reading Joyce in and out of the Archive. (2002)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Reflections on Textual Editing in the Time of the
History of the Book. (2013)
Van Mierlo, Wim
Ways into Shakespeare's Sonnets. (2018)
Vendler, Helen
Plagiarism Software Finds a New Shakespeare Play. (2009)
Vickers, Brian
Archbishop Temple’s offer of a Lambeth degree to Dorothy L. Sayers. (2010)
Webster, Peter
George Bell, John Masefield and 'The Coming of Christ': context and significance. (2009)
Webster, Peter
Shakespeare and Revision. (2018)
Wells, Stanley
The British Book Trade in the English-Speaking World since the 1960s: A Preliminary Report to the Observatoire de L’Édition Contemporaine. (2008)
Willison, Ian
Centre and Creative Periphery in the Histories of the Book in the English Speaking World and Global English Studies: A Propos The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. (2006)
Willison, Ian
The History of the Book as a Field of Study within the Humanities. (2006)
Willison, Ian
I.R. Willison’s response to the presentation of his Festschrift, University of London. (2007)
Willison, Ian
Inaugural Session, Institute of English Studies Seminar in the History of Libraries. (2008)
Willison, Ian
An agenda for imperial and post-imperial book history. (2006)
Willison, Ian
Moguls Collecting Mughals, a Study of Early Twentieth-Century European and North American Collectors of Islamic Book Art. (2023)
Winslow, Karen
Greek Archaeologists at Rome. (2015)
Woolf, Greg