Items where Year is 2009
Number of items: 173.
The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 3. (2009)
Register of research in Commonwealth countries (May 2009). (2009)
A brief outline of the position in Uruguay in relation to cyber crime legislation. (2009)
Aguerre, Luis and Baldomir, Diego
Can genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes be pardoned or amnestied? (2009)
Ahmed, Anees and Quayle, Merryn
Interview with David Anderson, 15 June 2009. (2009)
Anderson, David and Sheldon, Nicola
Neither Here nor There: Linda Le and Kim Lefevre's Literary Homecoming. (2009)
Averis, Kate
'Fangs for the memory': can the American cinematic vampire be equated with Pierre Nora's idea of the 'lieux de memoire' ? (2009)
Bacon, Simon J.
Interview with Kenneth Baker, 22 October 2009. (2009)
Baker, Kenneth and Sheldon, Nicola
City and suburb:household status and structure in late seventeenth-century London. (2009)
Baker, Philip
The banana as icon: Orientalism, violence, and the problem of memory in Fallas's 'Mamita Yunai', Reyes-Manzo's photography and the cultural imagery. (2009)
Baker, Valeria
The Indonesian law on electronic information and transactions. (2009)
Balfas, Hamud M.
War, peace and free trade: the political economy of war and the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. (2009)
Bargery, Christopher
Digital evidence – do not confuse digital archiving with backups. (2009)
Bazin, Philippe
Digital evidence – do not confuse digital archiving with backups. (2009)
Bazin, Philippe
Bread and Donkey for Breakfast how IT law false friends can confound lawmakers: an Italian tale about digital signatures. (2009)
Bechini, Ugo
Bread and Donkey for Breakfast how IT law false friends can confound lawmakers: an Italian tale about digital signatures. (2009)
Bechini, Ugo
On the complexity of collaborative cyber crime investigations. (2009)
Bednar, Peter M. and Katos, Vasilios and Hennell, Cheryl
On the complexity of collaborative cyber crime investigations. (2009)
Bednar, Peter M. and Katos, Vasilios and Hennell, Cheryl
Interview with history teachers at the Schools History Project Conference, 4 July 2009. (2009)
Belshaw, Doug and Heffernan, John and Laffin, Diana and Main, Katy and Sheldon, Nicola
Registered e-Mail and e-Invoicing in Turkey. (2009)
Berber, Leyla Keser
Known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns: anti-virus issues, malicious software and internet attacks for non-technical audiences. (2009)
Bilar, Daniel
Ronald Reagan vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the influence of their ‘screenplays’ on lives of Californians. (2009)
Binko, Grzegorz
The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín
Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo. (2009)
Blanco, Maria Jose
Editors’ introduction. (2009)
Blanco, Maria Jose and Wall, Sinead
Intrerview with David Blunkett, 3 November 2009. (2009)
Blunkett, David and Sheldon, Nicola
Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing: How is 9/11’s memorial culture reflective of a crisis in representation that has engendered limiting templates of remembrance? (2009)
Bond, Lucy
The Society of Enhanced Legal Scholars, Seven of Nine, and some regulatory challenges for future generations. (2009)
Brownsword, Roger
Did Mexico turn left? The electoral performance of the PRD during the period 1997-2006. (2009)
Brzezinski, Jacek
Interview with David Burrell, 21 May 2009. (2009)
Burrell, David and Sheldon, Nicola
Interception of communications: Skype, Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft tools and electronic data retention on foreign servers: A legal perspective from a prosecutor conducting an investigation. (2009)
Cajani, Francesco
International phishing gangs and operation Phish & Chip. (2009)
Cajani, Francesco
The essential elements of an effective electronic signature process. (2009)
Casamento, Greg and Hatfield, Patrick
Case Judgment: England & Wales. (2009)
Case Judgment:, England & Wales
Case Note: China. (2009)
Case Note:, China
Case Note: Denmark. (2009)
Case Note:, Denmark
Case Note: Germany. (2009)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Germany (Update). (2009)
Case Note:, Germany
Case Note: Russian Federation. (2009)
Case Note:, Russian Federation
Case Note: Russian Federation. (2009)
Case Note:, Russian Federation
Case Note: Singapore. (2009)
Case Note:, Singapore
Case Note: Slovenia. (2009)
Case Note:, Slovenia
Case Note: Sweden. (2009)
Case Note:, Sweden
Case Translation: Denmark. (2009)
Case Translation, Demark
Case Translation: Austria. (2009)
Case Translation:, Austria
Case Translation: Denmark. (2009)
Case Translation:, Denmark
Case Translation: France. (2009)
Case Translation:, France
Case Translation: France. (2009)
Case Translation:, France
Case Translation: Germany. (2009)
Case Translation:, Germany
Case Translation: Lithuania. (2009)
Case Translation:, Lithuania
Case Translation: Poland. (2009)
Case Translation:, Poland
Case Translation: The Netherlands. (2009)
Case Translation:, The Netherlands
Defending human rights in Colombia. (2009)
Chandler, Sara
Corporate social responsibility and banks. (2009)
Chatterjee, Charles and Lefcovitch, Anna
Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Latin America. (2009)
Chatzopoulos, Ioannis
More on suppression and the internet in New Zealand. (2009)
Cheer, Ursula
Mutual recognition in criminal matters in Cyprus. (2009)
Christou, Theodora and Kouzoupi, Eleni and Xanthaki, Helen
Interview with Charles Clarke, 13 October 2009. (2009)
Clarke, Charles and Sheldon, Nicola
“Tengo el Orgullo de ser Peruano y Soy Feliz” Upper Class Limeños, National Identity, and Cultural Change in the 21st Century. (2009)
Claux, Denise
FIT for purpose – the new FLARE Index to Treaties. (2009)
Clinch, Peter and Whittle, Steven
“Integrating ‘Traditional’ and ‘Scientific’ Medicine in contemporary Cuba”. (2009)
Cochetti, Chiara Stella
The determinants and impact of US migration policy towards Mexico since 1986. (2009)
Cohen, Grant
EU-central American relations in the 21st century: interregionalism in perspective. (2009)
Corley, Michael
Interview with Ian Coulson, 3 July 2009. (2009)
Coulson, Ian and Sheldon, Nicola
Volume 6 Credits. (2009)
Credits, Volume 6
Interview with Chris Culpin, 22 September 2009. (2009)
Culpin, Chris and Sheldon, Nicola
'Rich flames and hired tears': sugar, sub-imperial agents and the Cuban phoenix of empire. (2009)
Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Running from Albion: migration to Cuba from the British Isles in the 19th century. (2009)
Curry-Machado, Jonathan
Organised labour and the Batista régime: a British diplomatic
perspective. (2009)
Cushion, Stephen
Una sublevación de la clase obrera contra el Imperio Británico. (2009)
Cushion, Stephen
Interview with Ian Dawson, 9 June 2009. (2009)
Dawson, Ian and Sheldon, Nicola
Interview with Pat Dawson, 9 June 2009. (2009)
Dawson, Pat and Sheldon, Nicola
Digital evidence and e-signature in the Russian Federation: a change in trend? (2009)
Dolzhich, Alex
Argentina and the Inter-American Human Rights System. (2009)
Engstrom, Par
The Domestic, Institutional, and International Factors of U.S. Congressional Foreign Policy: The 1986 Anti-Apartheid Act. (2009)
Espinoza, Michael
Interview with Eric Evans, 29 June 2009. (2009)
Evans, Eric and Sheldon, Nicola
Interview with Alan Farmer, 9 July 2009. (2009)
Farmer, Alan and Sheldon, Nicola
Such stuff as we are made on. Exploring the non-narrative quality of cultural memory through the poems of Henri Meschonnic. (2009)
Fruteau, Emmanuel
Digital evidence in the new Swiss Federal Code of Civil Procedure. (2009)
Gasser, Christoph
The Impact of Socially Responsible Investment On Economic Development in Brazil. (2009)
Greer, James Michael
Interview with John Hamer, 1 June 2009. (2009)
Hamer, John and Sheldon, Nicola
De la solidaridad a la dignidad: grassroots participation and Bolivia's universal social pension scheme. (2009)
Hamill, Eoin
Interview with Penelope Harnett, 9 September 2009. (2009)
Harnett, Penelope and Sheldon, Nicola
War Crimes: a call to action. (2009)
Harris, Julian
Interview with Scott Harrison, 6 May 2009. (2009)
Harrison, Scott and Sheldon, Nicola
Civil law liability for unauthorized withdrawals at ATMs in Germany. (2009)
Haybäck, Gerwin
Interview with Roger Hennessey, 11 November 2009. (2009)
Hennessey, Roger and Sheldon, Nicola
Greater than the sum of its parts: the growing impact of devolution on the processes of constitutional reform in the United Kingdom. (2009)
Himsworth, Chris
Losing touch, keeping in touch, out of touch: reintegration and domestication of Hungarian exilic literature after 1989. (2009)
Hites, Sandor
London Rare Books School programme 2009. (2009)
Institute of English Studies, IES
In living memory: how does an oral history collection map the landscape of Greenham and Cookham Common ? (2009)
Jardine Brown, Catriona H.
Disorienting Fictions: Antje Ravic Strubel and Post-Unification East German Identity. (2009)
Jeremiah, Emily
Interview with Gareth Elwyn Jones, 23 September 2009. (2009)
Jones, Gareth Elwyn and Sheldon, Nicola
Trafficking with elementals: Kenneth Grant and Arthur Machen. (2009)
Josiffe, Christopher
The EU and human rights: an unlikely evolution. (2009)
Kearns, Paul
Interview with Ann Low-Beer, 12 August 2009. (2009)
Keating, Jenny and Low-Beer, Ann
The European Union, international law and the Middle East peace process. (2009)
Khaliq, Urfan
Globalisation and the state: what lessons does the Latin American ‘new left’ have to offer? (2009)
Kirby, Peadar
Global forces: a new phase in Colombia’s political violence. (2009)
Kirton, Neville
Transcript. (2009)
Kivland, Sharon
From right to privacy to personal autonomy: the changing nature of right to privacy in the US legal system (1965 – 2008). (2009)
Koleníková, Blanka
A pluralist justification of deduction. (2009)
Kurbis, Nils
Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies 2005-9. (2009)
Larby, Patricia
Plus ca change? Continuity and change in UK legislative drafting practice. (2009)
Laws, Stephen
To what extent does the nostalgic tone of some German film post-1989 facilitate a 'coming-to-terms' with the subject of the GDR past and provide the basis for a new form of cultural memory in the unified Germany? Discuss with reference to 'Good Bye, Lenin!' and 'Sonnenallee'. (2009)
Lazić, Ivan
Interview with Peter Lee and Ros Ashby, 3 September 2009. (2009)
Lee, Peter and Ashby, Ros and Sheldon, Nicola
Negotiating reproductive policy: perspectives on adolescent sexuality in contemporary Chile. (2009)
Lindsey, Jennifer
Interview with Tim Lomas, 30 March 2009. (2009)
Lomas, Tim and Sheldon, Nicola
London Palaeography Summer School programme 2009. (2009)
Lovett, Patricia and Brown, Michelle
An investigator’s approach to digital evidence. (2009)
Lund, Paul
Interview with John MacGregor, 3 November 2009. (2009)
MacGregor, John and Sheldon, Nicola
Interview with Michael Maddison, 21 September 2009. (2009)
Maddison, Michael and Sheldon, Nicola
Climate justice is what's needed for Copenhagen success. (2009)
Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
Josephinische Italienblicke. Zu Cornelius von Ayrenhoffs 'Briefe über Italien'. (2009)
Mansky, Matthias
The Church in Pinochet’s Chile: agent for change? (2009)
Marris, Johanna
Interview with Peter Marshall, 11 August 2009. (2009)
Marshall, Peter and Sheldon, Nicola
Bank card fraud in Spain. (2009)
Martin, Ricardo M. Mata y. and Martin, Antonio Javato
Editorial. (2009)
Mason, Stephen
Editorial. (2009)
Mason, Stephen
Electronic evidence and the meaning of "original". (2009)
Mason, Stephen
Negotiating and marketing Muslim identity for the West: Navid Kermani's 'Kurzmitteilung'. (2009)
Matthes, Frauke
Whose mortgage is it anyway? Producers, consumers and the law in the UK mortgage market. (2009)
McAuslan, Patrick
Interview with Chris McGovern, 28 August 2009. (2009)
McGovern, Chris and Sheldon, Nicola
‘For the house her self and one servant’: Family and Household in Late Seventeenth-century London. (2009)
Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
The rich among the poor: neighbourly interaction in London’s eastern suburb, 1540–1700. (2009)
Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
PINs, passwords and human memory. (2009)
Moncur, Wendy and Leplâtre, Grégory
Interview with Estelle Morris, 19 October 2009. (2009)
Morris, Estelle and Sheldon, Nicola
Reliability of Chip & PIN evidence in banking disputes. (2009)
Murdoch, Steven J.
Interview with Jon Nichol, 3 August 2009. (2009)
Nichols, Jon and Sheldon, Nicola
'Crónica del desamor': The Involvement of the Reader and the Transmission of Female Experience. (2009)
Oaknin, Mazal
The 'Heritage Minutes' and Canadian collective memory: an analysis of the use of nostalgia and nationalism to build a unifying cultural memory. (2009)
Peters, Erin
The ‘Slave Sublime’ How do Chamoiseau's 'Biblique des derniers gestes' and Jones' 'The Known World' contribute to a critique of trends in the remembrance of slavery in France and America? (2009)
Phillips, Anna
Whether a photograph taken for Google’s Street View can be used as evidence in a criminal process: a case note. (2009)
Purtova, Nadezhda and Roosendaal, Arnold
Judgment in the case of K.U. v Finland: the European Court of Human Rights requires access to communications data to identify the sender to enable effective criminal prosecution in serious violations of private life. (2009)
Pöysti, Tuomas
The Crash that launched a thousand fixes: Regulation of Consumer Credit after the Lending Revolution and the Credit Crunch. (2009)
Ramsay, Iain and Williams, Toni
Interview with Andy Reid 4 September 2009. (2009)
Reid, Andy and Sheldon, Nicola
Book Report. (2009)
Report, Book
Interview with Michael Riley, 22 September 2009. (2009)
Riley, Michael and Sheldon, Nicola
António Lobo Antunes: Production and Consumption of Subjectivity. (2009)
Rinhaug, Aino
Legal privilege and the high cost of electronic discovery in the United States: should we be thinking like lawyers? (2009)
Rizzolo, Daniel R.
Legal privilege and the high cost of electronic discovery in the United States: should we be thinking like lawyers? (2009)
Rizzolo, Daniel R.
Astronomical and Astrological Terms in Ibn Ezra's Biblical Commentaries: A New Approach. (2009)
Rodriguez Arribas, Josefina
The Twilight Zone: Puerto Rico's cultural identity in the work of José Luiz González. (2009)
Rodríguez, Néstor E.
Conference report: War Crimes - Retrospectives and prospects, February 19-21, 2009. (2009)
Rowbotham, Judith and Kandiah, Michael and Charlesworth, Lorie
Mothering in context. (2009)
Rye, Gill
Narratives of mothering. (2009)
Rye, Gill
Narratives of mothering in contemporary French women’s writing. (2009)
Rye, Gill
The ethics of aesthetics in trauma fiction: memory, guilt and responsibility in Louise L. Lambrichs’s 'Journal d’Hannah'. (2009)
Rye, Gill
Connecting the Royal Historical Society Bibliography to other online resources. (2009)
Salt, Peter
Memories of community: remembering and creating farming tradition at Ramsey Rural Museum. (2009)
Samata, Susan
Does Credit Expansion Matter for Growth? What the Data Show. (2009)
Sarkar, Prabirjit
Evidential issues from pre-action discoveries: Odex Pte Ltd v Pacific Internet Ltd. (2009)
Seng, Daniel
The politics of multinational participation in the Brazilian pharmaceutical market. (2009)
Shah, Sita
Interview with Denis Shemilt, 3 July 2009. (2009)
Shemilt, Denis and Sheldon, Nicola
Interview with Gillian Shephard, 14 October 2009. (2009)
Shephard, Gillian and Sheldon, Nicola
Interview with John Simkin, 4 June 2009. (2009)
Simkin, John and Sheldon, Nicola
Towards a sustainable European company law. (2009)
Sjafjell, Beate
Remote electronic discovery. (2009)
Sorebo, Gib
Businesses’ perception of electronic signatures: An Australian study. (2009)
Srivastava, Aashish
Usury, statutory avoidance and the Court of Chancery 1680-1800. (2009)
Swain, Warren and Fairweather, Karen
US legal information. (2009)
Swift, Hester
Interview with David Sylvester, 7 July 2009. (2009)
Sylvester, David and Sheldon, Nicola
Digital data as hearsay. (2009)
Teppler, Steven W.
Plagiarism Software Finds a New Shakespeare Play. (2009)
Vickers, Brian
Prosecuting terrorism: the Old Bailey versus Belmarsh. (2009)
Walker, Clive
George Bell, John Masefield and 'The Coming of Christ': context and significance. (2009)
Webster, Peter
Else Croner und die "moderne Jüdin". (2009)
Weiss-sussex, Godela
On the Relationship between Hesse’s Painting and Writing: 'Wanderung',' Klingsors letzter
Sommer', 'Gedichte des Malers' and 'Piktors Verwandlungen'. (2009)
Weiss-sussex, Godela
Line based hash analysis of source code infringement. (2009)
Willassen, Svein Yngvar
Law Library Associations. (2009)
Winterton, Jules
On Starfish Island: the Philippine Group of Law Librarians Seminar of April 2008. (2009)
Winterton, Jules
Mulheres do morro: The Representation of Women in Brazilian Funk. (2009)
Wolfe Liblong, Caitlin Elizabeth
The general partnership in German law. (2009)
Wooldridge, Frank
The general partnership under French law. (2009)
Wooldridge, Frank