Items where Year is 2009

Number of items: 173.
  • The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 61 No. 3. (2009) UNSPECIFIED
  • A brief outline of the position in Uruguay in relation to cyber crime legislation. (2009) Aguerre, Luis and Baldomir, Diego
  • Can genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes be pardoned or amnestied? (2009) Ahmed, Anees and Quayle, Merryn
  • Neither Here nor There: Linda Le and Kim Lefevre's Literary Homecoming. (2009) Averis, Kate
  • The Indonesian law on electronic information and transactions. (2009) Balfas, Hamud M.
  • Digital evidence – do not confuse digital archiving with backups. (2009) Bazin, Philippe
  • Digital evidence – do not confuse digital archiving with backups. (2009) Bazin, Philippe
  • Bread and Donkey for Breakfast how IT law false friends can confound lawmakers: an Italian tale about digital signatures. (2009) Bechini, Ugo
  • Bread and Donkey for Breakfast how IT law false friends can confound lawmakers: an Italian tale about digital signatures. (2009) Bechini, Ugo
  • On the complexity of collaborative cyber crime investigations. (2009) Bednar, Peter M. and Katos, Vasilios and Hennell, Cheryl
  • On the complexity of collaborative cyber crime investigations. (2009) Bednar, Peter M. and Katos, Vasilios and Hennell, Cheryl
  • Registered e-Mail and e-Invoicing in Turkey. (2009) Berber, Leyla Keser
  • Known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns: anti-virus issues, malicious software and internet attacks for non-technical audiences. (2009) Bilar, Daniel
  • The feminism of an antifeminist in Carmen Martín Gaite’s Cuadernos de todo. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose
  • Editors’ introduction. (2009) Blanco, Maria Jose and Wall, Sinead
  • The Society of Enhanced Legal Scholars, Seven of Nine, and some regulatory challenges for future generations. (2009) Brownsword, Roger
  • Interception of communications: Skype, Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft tools and electronic data retention on foreign servers: A legal perspective from a prosecutor conducting an investigation. (2009) Cajani, Francesco
  • International phishing gangs and operation Phish & Chip. (2009) Cajani, Francesco
  • The essential elements of an effective electronic signature process. (2009) Casamento, Greg and Hatfield, Patrick
  • Case Judgment: England & Wales. (2009) Case Judgment:, England & Wales
  • Case Note: China. (2009) Case Note:, China
  • Case Note: Denmark. (2009) Case Note:, Denmark
  • Case Note: Germany. (2009) Case Note:, Germany
  • Case Note: Germany (Update). (2009) Case Note:, Germany
  • Case Note: Russian Federation. (2009) Case Note:, Russian Federation
  • Case Note: Russian Federation. (2009) Case Note:, Russian Federation
  • Case Note: Singapore. (2009) Case Note:, Singapore
  • Case Note: Slovenia. (2009) Case Note:, Slovenia
  • Case Note: Sweden. (2009) Case Note:, Sweden
  • Case Translation: Denmark. (2009) Case Translation, Demark
  • Case Translation: Austria. (2009) Case Translation:, Austria
  • Case Translation: Denmark. (2009) Case Translation:, Denmark
  • Case Translation: France. (2009) Case Translation:, France
  • Case Translation: France. (2009) Case Translation:, France
  • Case Translation: Germany. (2009) Case Translation:, Germany
  • Case Translation: Lithuania. (2009) Case Translation:, Lithuania
  • Case Translation: Poland. (2009) Case Translation:, Poland
  • Case Translation: The Netherlands. (2009) Case Translation:, The Netherlands
  • Defending human rights in Colombia. (2009) Chandler, Sara
  • Corporate social responsibility and banks. (2009) Chatterjee, Charles and Lefcovitch, Anna
  • More on suppression and the internet in New Zealand. (2009) Cheer, Ursula
  • Mutual recognition in criminal matters in Cyprus. (2009) Christou, Theodora and Kouzoupi, Eleni and Xanthaki, Helen
  • FIT for purpose – the new FLARE Index to Treaties. (2009) Clinch, Peter and Whittle, Steven
  • Volume 6 Credits. (2009) Credits, Volume 6
  • 'Rich flames and hired tears': sugar, sub-imperial agents and the Cuban phoenix of empire. (2009) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Running from Albion: migration to Cuba from the British Isles in the 19th century. (2009) Curry-Machado, Jonathan
  • Organised labour and the Batista régime: a British diplomatic perspective. (2009) Cushion, Stephen
  • Digital evidence and e-signature in the Russian Federation: a change in trend? (2009) Dolzhich, Alex
  • Digital evidence in the new Swiss Federal Code of Civil Procedure. (2009) Gasser, Christoph
  • War Crimes: a call to action. (2009) Harris, Julian
  • Civil law liability for unauthorized withdrawals at ATMs in Germany. (2009) Haybäck, Gerwin
  • Greater than the sum of its parts: the growing impact of devolution on the processes of constitutional reform in the United Kingdom. (2009) Himsworth, Chris
  • Disorienting Fictions: Antje Ravic Strubel and Post-Unification East German Identity. (2009) Jeremiah, Emily
  • Trafficking with elementals: Kenneth Grant and Arthur Machen. (2009) Josiffe, Christopher
  • The EU and human rights: an unlikely evolution. (2009) Kearns, Paul
  • The European Union, international law and the Middle East peace process. (2009) Khaliq, Urfan
  • Plus ca change? Continuity and change in UK legislative drafting practice. (2009) Laws, Stephen
  • An investigator’s approach to digital evidence. (2009) Lund, Paul
  • Climate justice is what's needed for Copenhagen success. (2009) Maniruzzaman, A.F.M.
  • Bank card fraud in Spain. (2009) Martin, Ricardo M. Mata y. and Martin, Antonio Javato
  • Editorial. (2009) Mason, Stephen
  • Editorial. (2009) Mason, Stephen
  • Electronic evidence and the meaning of "original". (2009) Mason, Stephen
  • ‘For the house her self and one servant’: Family and Household in Late Seventeenth-century London. (2009) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • PINs, passwords and human memory. (2009) Moncur, Wendy and Leplâtre, Grégory
  • Reliability of Chip & PIN evidence in banking disputes. (2009) Murdoch, Steven J.
  • 'Crónica del desamor': The Involvement of the Reader and the Transmission of Female Experience. (2009) Oaknin, Mazal
  • Whether a photograph taken for Google’s Street View can be used as evidence in a criminal process: a case note. (2009) Purtova, Nadezhda and Roosendaal, Arnold
  • Judgment in the case of K.U. v Finland: the European Court of Human Rights requires access to communications data to identify the sender to enable effective criminal prosecution in serious violations of private life. (2009) Pöysti, Tuomas
  • Book Report. (2009) Report, Book
  • António Lobo Antunes: Production and Consumption of Subjectivity. (2009) Rinhaug, Aino
  • Legal privilege and the high cost of electronic discovery in the United States: should we be thinking like lawyers? (2009) Rizzolo, Daniel R.
  • Legal privilege and the high cost of electronic discovery in the United States: should we be thinking like lawyers? (2009) Rizzolo, Daniel R.
  • Astronomical and Astrological Terms in Ibn Ezra's Biblical Commentaries: A New Approach. (2009) Rodriguez Arribas, Josefina
  • Conference report: War Crimes - Retrospectives and prospects, February 19-21, 2009. (2009) Rowbotham, Judith and Kandiah, Michael and Charlesworth, Lorie
  • The ethics of aesthetics in trauma fiction: memory, guilt and responsibility in Louise L. Lambrichs’s 'Journal d’Hannah'. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Evidential issues from pre-action discoveries: Odex Pte Ltd v Pacific Internet Ltd. (2009) Seng, Daniel
  • Towards a sustainable European company law. (2009) Sjafjell, Beate
  • Remote electronic discovery. (2009) Sorebo, Gib
  • Businesses’ perception of electronic signatures: An Australian study. (2009) Srivastava, Aashish
  • Usury, statutory avoidance and the Court of Chancery 1680-1800. (2009) Swain, Warren and Fairweather, Karen
  • US legal information. (2009) Swift, Hester
  • Digital data as hearsay. (2009) Teppler, Steven W.
  • Prosecuting terrorism: the Old Bailey versus Belmarsh. (2009) Walker, Clive
  • George Bell, John Masefield and 'The Coming of Christ': context and significance. (2009) Webster, Peter
  • Line based hash analysis of source code infringement. (2009) Willassen, Svein Yngvar
  • On Starfish Island: the Philippine Group of Law Librarians Seminar of April 2008. (2009) Winterton, Jules
  • The general partnership in German law. (2009) Wooldridge, Frank
  • The general partnership under French law. (2009) Wooldridge, Frank
  • Book Section
  • Una sublevación de la clase obrera contra el Imperio Británico. (2009) Cushion, Stephen
  • Losing touch, keeping in touch, out of touch: reintegration and domestication of Hungarian exilic literature after 1989. (2009) Hites, Sandor
  • The Twilight Zone: Puerto Rico's cultural identity in the work of José Luiz González. (2009) Rodríguez, Néstor E.
  • Mothering in context. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Narratives of mothering. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Else Croner und die "moderne Jüdin". (2009) Weiss-sussex, Godela
  • On the Relationship between Hesse’s Painting and Writing: 'Wanderung',' Klingsors letzter Sommer', 'Gedichte des Malers' and 'Piktors Verwandlungen'. (2009) Weiss-sussex, Godela
  • Conference or Workshop Item
  • City and suburb:household status and structure in late seventeenth-century London. (2009) Baker, Philip
  • Argentina and the Inter-American Human Rights System. (2009) Engstrom, Par
  • London Rare Books School programme 2009. (2009) Institute of English Studies, IES
  • Globalisation and the state: what lessons does the Latin American ‘new left’ have to offer? (2009) Kirby, Peadar
  • London Palaeography Summer School programme 2009. (2009) Lovett, Patricia and Brown, Michelle
  • Josephinische Italienblicke. Zu Cornelius von Ayrenhoffs 'Briefe über Italien'. (2009) Mansky, Matthias
  • Negotiating and marketing Muslim identity for the West: Navid Kermani's 'Kurzmitteilung'. (2009) Matthes, Frauke
  • Whose mortgage is it anyway? Producers, consumers and the law in the UK mortgage market. (2009) McAuslan, Patrick
  • The rich among the poor: neighbourly interaction in London’s eastern suburb, 1540–1700. (2009) Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip
  • The Crash that launched a thousand fixes: Regulation of Consumer Credit after the Lending Revolution and the Credit Crunch. (2009) Ramsay, Iain and Williams, Toni
  • Narratives of mothering in contemporary French women’s writing. (2009) Rye, Gill
  • Connecting the Royal Historical Society Bibliography to other online resources. (2009) Salt, Peter
  • Does Credit Expansion Matter for Growth? What the Data Show. (2009) Sarkar, Prabirjit
  • Law Library Associations. (2009) Winterton, Jules
  • Thesis
  • 'Fangs for the memory': can the American cinematic vampire be equated with Pierre Nora's idea of the 'lieux de memoire' ? (2009) Bacon, Simon J.
  • The banana as icon: Orientalism, violence, and the problem of memory in Fallas's 'Mamita Yunai', Reyes-Manzo's photography and the cultural imagery. (2009) Baker, Valeria
  • War, peace and free trade: the political economy of war and the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. (2009) Bargery, Christopher
  • Ronald Reagan vs. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the influence of their ‘screenplays’ on lives of Californians. (2009) Binko, Grzegorz
  • Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing: How is 9/11’s memorial culture reflective of a crisis in representation that has engendered limiting templates of remembrance? (2009) Bond, Lucy
  • Did Mexico turn left? The electoral performance of the PRD during the period 1997-2006. (2009) Brzezinski, Jacek
  • Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Latin America. (2009) Chatzopoulos, Ioannis
  • “Tengo el Orgullo de ser Peruano y Soy Feliz” Upper Class Limeños, National Identity, and Cultural Change in the 21st Century. (2009) Claux, Denise
  • “Integrating ‘Traditional’ and ‘Scientific’ Medicine in contemporary Cuba”. (2009) Cochetti, Chiara Stella
  • The determinants and impact of US migration policy towards Mexico since 1986. (2009) Cohen, Grant
  • EU-central American relations in the 21st century: interregionalism in perspective. (2009) Corley, Michael
  • The Domestic, Institutional, and International Factors of U.S. Congressional Foreign Policy: The 1986 Anti-Apartheid Act. (2009) Espinoza, Michael
  • Such stuff as we are made on. Exploring the non-narrative quality of cultural memory through the poems of Henri Meschonnic. (2009) Fruteau, Emmanuel
  • The Impact of Socially Responsible Investment On Economic Development in Brazil. (2009) Greer, James Michael
  • De la solidaridad a la dignidad: grassroots participation and Bolivia's universal social pension scheme. (2009) Hamill, Eoin
  • In living memory: how does an oral history collection map the landscape of Greenham and Cookham Common ? (2009) Jardine Brown, Catriona H.
  • Global forces: a new phase in Colombia’s political violence. (2009) Kirton, Neville
  • From right to privacy to personal autonomy: the changing nature of right to privacy in the US legal system (1965 – 2008). (2009) Koleníková, Blanka
  • A pluralist justification of deduction. (2009) Kurbis, Nils
  • To what extent does the nostalgic tone of some German film post-1989 facilitate a 'coming-to-terms' with the subject of the GDR past and provide the basis for a new form of cultural memory in the unified Germany? Discuss with reference to 'Good Bye, Lenin!' and 'Sonnenallee'. (2009) Lazić, Ivan
  • Negotiating reproductive policy: perspectives on adolescent sexuality in contemporary Chile. (2009) Lindsey, Jennifer
  • The Church in Pinochet’s Chile: agent for change? (2009) Marris, Johanna
  • The 'Heritage Minutes' and Canadian collective memory: an analysis of the use of nostalgia and nationalism to build a unifying cultural memory. (2009) Peters, Erin
  • The ‘Slave Sublime’ How do Chamoiseau's 'Biblique des derniers gestes' and Jones' 'The Known World' contribute to a critique of trends in the remembrance of slavery in France and America? (2009) Phillips, Anna
  • Memories of community: remembering and creating farming tradition at Ramsey Rural Museum. (2009) Samata, Susan
  • The politics of multinational participation in the Brazilian pharmaceutical market. (2009) Shah, Sita
  • Mulheres do morro: The Representation of Women in Brazilian Funk. (2009) Wolfe Liblong, Caitlin Elizabeth
  • Show/Exhibition
  • Transcript. (2009) Kivland, Sharon
  • Audio
  • Interview with David Anderson, 15 June 2009. (2009) Anderson, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Kenneth Baker, 22 October 2009. (2009) Baker, Kenneth and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with history teachers at the Schools History Project Conference, 4 July 2009. (2009) Belshaw, Doug and Heffernan, John and Laffin, Diana and Main, Katy and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Intrerview with David Blunkett, 3 November 2009. (2009) Blunkett, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with David Burrell, 21 May 2009. (2009) Burrell, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Charles Clarke, 13 October 2009. (2009) Clarke, Charles and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Ian Coulson, 3 July 2009. (2009) Coulson, Ian and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Chris Culpin, 22 September 2009. (2009) Culpin, Chris and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Ian Dawson, 9 June 2009. (2009) Dawson, Ian and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Pat Dawson, 9 June 2009. (2009) Dawson, Pat and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Eric Evans, 29 June 2009. (2009) Evans, Eric and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Alan Farmer, 9 July 2009. (2009) Farmer, Alan and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with John Hamer, 1 June 2009. (2009) Hamer, John and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Penelope Harnett, 9 September 2009. (2009) Harnett, Penelope and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Scott Harrison, 6 May 2009. (2009) Harrison, Scott and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Roger Hennessey, 11 November 2009. (2009) Hennessey, Roger and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Gareth Elwyn Jones, 23 September 2009. (2009) Jones, Gareth Elwyn and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Ann Low-Beer, 12 August 2009. (2009) Keating, Jenny and Low-Beer, Ann
  • Interview with Peter Lee and Ros Ashby, 3 September 2009. (2009) Lee, Peter and Ashby, Ros and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Tim Lomas, 30 March 2009. (2009) Lomas, Tim and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with John MacGregor, 3 November 2009. (2009) MacGregor, John and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Michael Maddison, 21 September 2009. (2009) Maddison, Michael and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Peter Marshall, 11 August 2009. (2009) Marshall, Peter and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Chris McGovern, 28 August 2009. (2009) McGovern, Chris and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Estelle Morris, 19 October 2009. (2009) Morris, Estelle and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Jon Nichol, 3 August 2009. (2009) Nichols, Jon and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Andy Reid 4 September 2009. (2009) Reid, Andy and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Michael Riley, 22 September 2009. (2009) Riley, Michael and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Denis Shemilt, 3 July 2009. (2009) Shemilt, Denis and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with Gillian Shephard, 14 October 2009. (2009) Shephard, Gillian and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with John Simkin, 4 June 2009. (2009) Simkin, John and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Interview with David Sylvester, 7 July 2009. (2009) Sylvester, David and Sheldon, Nicola
  • Plagiarism Software Finds a New Shakespeare Play. (2009) Vickers, Brian
  • Dataset
  • Register of research in Commonwealth countries (May 2009). (2009) UNSPECIFIED
  • Guide or manual
  • Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies 2005-9. (2009) Larby, Patricia