Interview with Michael Maddison, 21 September 2009

Maddison, Michael and Sheldon, Nicola (2009) Interview with Michael Maddison, 21 September 2009. [Audio] (Unpublished)

Michael Maddison is currently the staff inspector for history for Ofsted. He became interested in history at primary school, under the influence of a charismatic teacher. He completed his teacher training and a doctorate in Leeds and then taught in North Yorkshire. He became involved in the development of the Cambridge A Level History Project and was an examiner for GCSE from 1988-96. He then moved into sixth form teaching and examining. He discusses the impact of the National Curriculum on history teaching. He was appointed as an HMI (Her Majesty's Inspector) in 2006. He discusses the inspection of history in schools in recent years and in particular the 2007 report on history, 'History in the Balance'. Michael Maddison has since been responsible for the publication of another report (History for All, 2011). Interviewed by Nicola Sheldon.

